First time in a long time....

Greetings all,

My name is Kent. Married to a lovely lady by the name Evon, a father of cute little princess. Used to perform in dance arts, used to figure skate, cosplay & a degree graduate of Business with Marketing. Currently employed and involved in the management of a printing company.

I used to have a blog in my younger days, but it was more like a rant-hate space (lolz). I'd like to consider this my first time blogging (properly). Quite honestly, I have yet to find a real reason for me to be blogging. I thought I would just like to do this for fun or you can say for self-satisfactory purposes. Who knows I might stumble into something here in the world wide web.

So I suppose for the moment I would be blogging about....ME. XD... so this is Lifestyle I suppose...

Well I am not narcissistic (maybe I am, I will find out), I believe that things people do in their daily life is interrelated to another. As for me, I have a few interests/hobbies which I can talkabout, so maybe my knowledge or activity might contribute useful information to another person right who knows ? (I'm just bullshitting up to this point, I think - lolz). Maybe there could be readers finding my shit interesting, we never know the odds right? =D

Like I said, I have a few interests, like bartending (I've my own bar at home), tea art (I just pour hot water into a pot of tea leaves), cosplaystreet dancing (well I used to...), figure skating (been a while I've not done that) , I can play guitar (only a specific few songs..), recently quite into diving, etc. etc... I suppose it would be great if I can make topics out of em' like the personal product review, sharing of experiences, ambience of a venue, etc.

At the moment, am not actually targeting any specific audience and of course all readers are welcomed to leave comments or feedbacks so I can improve the reader's experience (should there be one). 

I've always wanted to contribute in some way to the world or the society, but am absolutely clueless on how. Maybe this would help in some way, or maybe not at all, but I firmly believe there could be some useful information that people might come across and put it to use. 

Well at least I am taking the first initiative and hope this will bring me somewhere. Everyone has got to start somewhere right ? =D 

Will definitely try my best to update the blog as frequent as possible

*crossing fingers I would stay on the course* XD

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Instagram : @k3nt_low 
Twitter: @k3nt_low


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